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Biosolids and Residuals Management

Renda Environmental's biosolids and residuals management capabilities include:



Dewatering is the process of pressing/squeezing water from biosolids and residuals. We offer dewatering services in varying degrees of scope and sophistication, from portable belt presses that can be brought on site for temporary projects to permanent dewatering facilities (designed, built, owned, and operated) with varying combinations of development and structure.


Water Treatment Residuals and Excellent Quality Biosolids

We have many years of experience processing excellent quality biosolids to meet and exceed the Environmental Protection Agency’s requirements for Class A biosolids by bringing microbial levels to less than that of native soils. Our suit of solutions for biosolids treatment include lime stabilization, pasteurization, thermal drying, composting, and thermal hydrolysis.


Beneficial Reuse

Beneficial Reuse includes detailed mapping and coordination of the timing and amount of biosolids or residuals application, transportation, and record keeping/reporting required by federal and state regulations. Currently, we land apply more than 100 dry tons per day to aid local farmers and ranchers.

Bioenergy Systems

Our Bioenergy Systems division is a great service addition to Renda Environmental. This division specializes in providing options for consultation, design, build, ownership, operation, and maintenance of systems that support the beneficial reuse of energy that are inherent with biosolids and/or residuals processing. We develop systems with our partners that maximize the value of this renewable resource.


Renda Environmental will comprehensively evaluate each customer’s unique needs and goals and will prepare and recommend a plan that will best help you reach your environmental goals.

Additional Services

Digester Cleaning:

Renda Environmental has performed digester cleaning for multiple water reclamation facilities.



Renda Environmental has performed numerous pond and lagoon cleaning jobs utilizing dredge technology. This can be used in conjunction with our dewatering services as well.

Interested in Learning More?

If you would like more information about our services, please email

Biosolids Management
Bioenergy Systems
Additional Services
Beneficial Reuse
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